Monday, February 15, 2010

Pick a color


Here are the colors of the Cottage Collections..soon to be out on the on line store.. (Seems like it is taking so long. There was so much to launch it....but it IS coming very soon,

Right now it is time to pick a color for the interiors walls and ceilings and the exterior shutters. window boxes,and the hanging bed on the porch of the cottage project. The clients love reds and blues and yellows......and ofcourse White.. (thank goodness) White makes a tiny space feel so much larger and more open.
Any thoughts?
Hint .. the roof is red and so is the old out buildings roof.
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  1. I love your cottages and am eagerly waiting to see the "after" of this one. Thanks for sharing your designs with those of us who lack such talent.


  2. Hurry hurry hurry!!!! I have been waiting very patiently, but I just cannot wait any longer! Our family is smack dab in the middle of decorating our new (well, new to us, actually old) beach cottage and you are my muse-

    I need you to open that shop!!!;)

