Monday, October 18, 2010

Update on The Teacher!

Here is Anna's class room and a few photos I found on our camera. With not much budget , Anna created wonderful energy with her giant paint brushes right outside of her classroom.

This is the beginning of Anna Speir's (my assistant) project her with 5th graders in Art. ( september 11th blog)This is an example of her prototype for the class. "Looks like a Jane Coslick Cottage" with it's ZEBRA shutters!

She has created a project on two Georgia Artist! Beverly Buchanan(Athen's Georgia) and me "Jane Coslick" cottages and Shacks! This is just an update about the teacher and her students. I believe in art and I can tell Anna is as great an art teacher as she is a photographer and designer.


  1. Now...she seems like a truly inspirational art teacher! The kind they will remember!

  2. This is a great project. Can't wait to see what the kids do!
