Saturday, May 14, 2011

Learning to pay the bills...............

I love design and hate the "bottom line"...the invoicing of the massive amounts of sales receipts and return receipts and  more receipts...!! Invoicing, managing the paperwork and keeping track of ALL the receipts..... I avoid it like the plague.

My "artist soul" just wants to make things you never want to leave the place!!!!!! I am always careful with the clients' money...I do a lot of designing on a 'nickle'. Making careful purchases for my clients while loving the bargains and the recycled treasures...that is my favorite!!
                Finding new uses for old of my list!

Long story "invoicer" retired and now it is up to me to sit down and DO IT!!!! I miss her, but she is on to a well deserved permanent holiday.

My attention span is short and the paperwork drives me bonkers. I am on  computer, but unfortunately it doesn't do everything.... I've got to provide some input...and when the credit card bills arrive it takes hours to match it up to the jobs!

This is a photo of what I call the "BIG" desk. I have 2 other desk and they ALL look like this..................................................

So alas, Kristin, my new assistant, has been thrown into the bill paying today and she is on the verge of a breakdown herself.. Remember she is an organization this gives her anxiety overload!!! 

 My office was the old country store on the Isle of Hope.  On most days it is my refuge and a great place to empty the car between shopping trips.....

. I love this building and it comes complete with a kitty named "Lance"  and a new great four poster canopy bed which will most likely end up in some lucky clients home.


  1. i know what you mean about paperwork. it's my biggest your office.
    cheryl x

  2. Ya know Jane...If I lived even REMOTELY close to you...I would volunteer my time to assist. Oh wait...nevermind...I would have to balance a checkbook?!?

    LOVE seeing a glimpse into your space. Come visit...we have a bed, and a margarita waiting!

  3. Jane
    I really should come work with you!
    Of course the part I like best is the creative part including the blogging! But my day job requires a great deal of attention to detail and paper work galore! I think I would
    Even love paperwork it that magical space.

    Kayak banker

  4. Oh, how I empathise!

    Kudos and calming thoughts to Kristin - in any job it's nice to know you're needed, and a beautiful workspace helps...

  5. I couldn't agree more about the drudgery of paperwork. As a fellow decorator, I love making plans and coming up with ideas...then the "thrill of the hunt" for all those special items, and nothing beats that magical day when it all comes together like you planned, (or SOMEWHAT like you planned). But invoicing and receipts and credit cards are the harsh reality of our world. I wish I had an assistant to help with all my dirty work! I love your latest project.

    Kristy Seibert

  6. I am the absolute worst with organzing and paperwork:(
    Your desk looks just like the desk in my little studio!! Always reciepts everywhere!

  7. Hi, I live in md. And have been a bookkeeper in the past. Currently a craft artist. I am a friend of Diane Kaufman too. If you think you could do this long distance email me @ Would be happy to clear up your work!

  8. I'm with you! Paperwork, bookwork..yuck. I spent the day at the shop going through the mess on my desk and entering it all. Not nearly as much fun as creating displays or finding great vintage treasure.
