Saturday, December 17, 2011

Running Out Of Time.............

I locked myself out of my office today and had to crawl through the doggie door (not a very good way to begin the day.) 
The good news.. I can still fit through the doggie door!!!!!!

As a designer, the year end is always crazy busy with paper work and going back through the year to see what I missed and overlooked. My desk is piled high with "stuff"  and my list of  " TO DO" has all the task I move from month to month until this FINAL month when I can't put things off any longer. My clients all know what is coming and they all know how much I hate the task of billing.
For Christmas I am going to ask for a new book keeper and a light for My bike for riding in the dark.
I have learned so much this year ..... the blog , facebook,on line shopping. I love all of it and I would do anything to avoid .."billing".
I am working on a quick project... the client wanted to redo his condo....he wanted a mix of a flat in New York , a boat, and a beach  cottage...................... I jumped right in (anything to avoid the billing and the year end tax stuff) and I am  thrilled with the progress....found very cool things in the boxes of the client and lots of prints, art, and family photos. We put wood on the wall behind the sofa and plan to add a tile back splash to the generic kitchen... Pictures very soon....

The year in review for backtracking...............

                        colorful cottage in progress................

                       happy  happy...............bright and cheery
                               Isle of Hope porch
                              Isle of Hope,,Isle of YO'
                        wonderful master bedroom ....House for sale...(has an Anna Oyster shell chandelier)
the calm and peaceful duplex

the condo at Thunderbolt Georgia
                                the cottage on whitemarsh Island
                                  fun shutters and fluffing
                            more fluffing...........................
the" gone but not forgotten Bohemian Cottage" fluffing for the Fabulous new owner
"tween waters" cottage...............
more tomorrow..........................


  1. I love the Isle of Hope cottage, just beautiful.

  2. what a lovely of some of your work. sending you strong determination energy to get the billing done. the new project sounds interesting, looking forward to seeing some pics. Merry Christmas Jane. without the wonderful world of blogging I could never have been inspired by you. best wishes from across the miles. Jane x

  3. LOVE the orange and white shutters.... so cute! Isle of Hope is the most wonderful place to live. We rented a cottage on bluff drive for a year while we were building a house and I didnt want to move out when our home was finished! It was so wonderful.
    Wishing you everything good in the year ahead! Which includes a book keeper and a new light for your bike :o)

  4. All of it is so pretty. Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Merry Christmas!


  5. All of the pics are so relaxing and just beautiful. I could move right in any of them...ohh if only...Love your new blog layout.

  6. YOU, Jane Coslick, STUn me! You are you create. How you DO!

    The most Merriest of Christmases to you! To hell with But do it tomorrow. Cause you earned it!

  7. First off...Love your new blog design! So clean and simple....very easy on the eyes!
    Secondly, I guess I'm just gonna have to come back to Tybee just to tour all of your new re-dos!! Would be over the moon to have you live close to me and give me advice on my lakehouse decor. I love what I've done UNTIL I see your clever. All of
    'em! Don't beat yourself up about the end of year will get done. Maybe later than sooner, but it will get done!!
    Happy Sunday!

  8. Ok - I gotta laugh - crawling through the doggie door is hilarious! I would have done it too! lol!

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