Monday, January 9, 2012

OK................The Photos

Not sure what happened or the machine....nothing would upload. New post.... new outlook.. and thanks for all your great energy. I can't believe how great my "shrinking" is working.
I have always believed ..."surround yourself with the things you love"...I have decided to ROTATE them because I do not have room for all of the things I one time.
sorry about the cord showing....all photos are the real thing!!!

Removed the closet to the left of the bed....(who needs a closet)...... so the bed can center on the anticipation of my funky merry go round headboard. The sunshine streams in to the room to warm the winter soul.

White uncomplicates it all.
Throw pillowsTarget(last summer). Euros Ralph Lauren . Homegoods..lime green throw pillow( last year). Pinecone Hill Blanket(yummy soft cotton polka dot security blanket...) Using what I have .. works for now. Blanche Nettles Powers is the artist. She is a wonderful artist and good friend.  Will be filling the walls in this room with several of her pieces. 

The security guard!!!! Love palm tree textures ..Camp Palm Tree is coming to life.!!!!

a few things that make me very happy.................

my favorite bowl.. my favorite vase.. and the amazing   art who creates wonderful art from shells and old  bottles .

zinc beveled glass.. I love prisms and these pieces of vintage beveled glass create amazing prisms  when the sun shines through.. On the window sill they go............


Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Charming charming charming....I do believe you are going to fit in impecabbly!

Kathy said...

So stinking cute!

Jane said...

Hi Jane, happy new year. there are so many things to love in this post. especially love the security guard, and the amethyst coral. I also, all of a sudden want white beside lamps. happy days to you. Jane x

Jane said...

Such a cheerful home! Love it!!!
and I LOVE the flamingo!!!!!!!!!
Jane (artfully graced)

Katy said...

oh I love the beveled glass! "Who needs a closet" - lol. true.

nannykim said...

love the happy vibrant colors!

Kayakbanker said...

It's coming together! I like the idea of less stuff. A friend simplifed her life when she made a decision to only keep clothes in White...she just has a very few of each item slacks, jacket, etc. and then pulls it all together with a few key acessories. Kinda like a Jane Cottage now that I think about it!

AndeM1 said...

So Jane......just as I would expect.....what a lovely place

Special 'K' said...

Oh lovely, great pictures too! My first visit to your amazing space here. Thank you so much for sharing. I know I am going to enjoy looking around and returning often. I look forward to engaging throughtout twenty twelve. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

Anonymous said...

beautiful home with pretty and charming baby .

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