My friend Leonard Miller passed away in January. He and I worked together on so many many fun and happy projects. Leonard was one of the bright and shining stars that heaven sent my way to help me create magic and happiness. Here is a photo of him working on the garage doors at the Pink Zebra Cottage on Tybee Island.
The finished project….He painted the outdoor shower, all the shutters, the sign on the front of the cottage.. After the project was completed, He looked at me and said "I do believe we have created another "one of a kind "in the universe"
Sweet and Peaceful Dreams on Tybee. This is another example of the Sandman's amazing talent..Leonard Miller.
The magic of Leonard Miller's art at the Humane Society of greater Savannah. This is the front desk at the adoption center. I think he did an amazing job capturing the spirit of the animals as they find forever homes.
It is a joyous time as we celebrate the ribbon cutting ceremony for the low cost spay and neuter clinic which is located next door to the Humane Society on Sallie Mood Dr. I am so very grateful to all the hard working people who helped bring this to a reality ... It is a win-win for all family pets, rescue animals and feral cats and homeless animals. An answer to many prayers and life changing in the best way to all our furry friends.
Leonard we will all miss you.
Savannah Now did a great article on Leonard. Click here to read and Connect Savannah did an article on him here.